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SEO for Beginners: make your website more findable on Google

22 August 2024

You have a beautiful website, but how do you ensure that people actually find it? The answer lies in SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. Don’t worry if this doesn’t mean much to you yet, this blog will explain SEO in simple terms and show you how to make your website more visible on Google.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This means adjusting your website so that search engines like Google can find it more easily and rank it higher in search results. The higher your website ranks, the more likely people are to click on it.

1. Start with Choosing the Right Words (Keywords)

Imagine you have a flower shop. People looking for a bouquet might type words like "order flower bouquet" into Google. These are keywords. By using these words smartly on your website, you help Google show your site to the right people.

How to find these keywords:

  • Think about what people would type when looking for your product or service.
  • Ask friends or customers what they would search for.
  • Use a simple online tool like Google’s search bar. Type a word in and see what suggestions Google gives.

2. Make Your Website Easy for Google to Understand

Google loves clear and organized websites. This means you need to ensure your website content is well-structured. Here are some tips:

  • Titles and Descriptions: Make sure each page on your site has a clear title and a short description. This is what people see on Google before they click your link.
  • Clear Headings: Use clear headings (like "What is SEO?") to keep your text organized.
  • Short and Clear URLs: Ensure that the link to your page is short and logical, for example: www.yoursite.com/flower-bouquet.

3. Ensure Your Website Works Well on All Devices

More and more people are using their phones or tablets to browse the internet. If your website doesn’t look good or loads slowly on a mobile device, people will quickly leave. Google takes this into account and ranks websites that perform well on mobile devices higher in search results.

How to check this:

  • Visit your own website on a phone and see if everything is clearly visible and easy to use.
  • Ask your website developer to ensure your site is "mobile-friendly."

4. Get Recommendations from Other Websites (Backlinks)

Just like in real life, online, the more people talk about you, the more well-known you become. If other websites link to yours, Google sees this as a recommendation. The more "recommendations" you have, the higher Google will rank you.

How to get these recommendations:

  • Ask satisfied customers to link to your website.
  • Write a guest blog for another website and include a link to your site.
  • Share your content on social media and encourage people to share it.

5. Keep Creating Interesting and Useful Content

Google loves websites that regularly share new and useful information. This can be in the form of blog posts, videos, or helpful tips. The more valuable content you have on your website, the better Google can find you.

What to post:

  • Write about topics that are interesting to your customers.
  • Share tips and tricks that are useful.
  • Create videos or photos that showcase your products or services.

6. Choose a Professional Company with SEO Expertise

Building a good website goes beyond just attractive visuals and sleek design. It’s crucial to work with a company that not only creates an appealing website for you but also ensures it is technically sound. This means the site is properly set up with meta tags (which help Google understand what your pages are about), loads quickly, and is well-optimized for search engines.

Why is this important?

  • A well-structured website is found faster by Google.
  • A professional company knows which components are essential for good SEO and can help you make the right choices from the start.

Conclusion: SEO is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Improving your visibility on Google takes time and patience, but it’s worth it. By following the tips in this blog and working with a company that understands SEO, You’re taking the first step toward a more findable website. Stay consistent, keep improving, and you’ll find your website being discovered more often by the people you want to reach.

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